Friday, August 28, 2009

A fall kinda day

Hi everyone on this chilly afternoon Friday! It's starting to feel like fall- start putting away those shorts and swimsuits and take out your fall sweaters. I happen to love this time of year when you can take a stroll with nothing but a sweater. It's definitely my favorite time of year.

Well, getting back to my review of Florida. Did you know that many people refer to Florida as a tropical New York? It's because most of the people in Florida are from New York. Who blames them- you're getting the best of both. The conveniences of New York such as shopping plazas and then the tropical climate and the beautiful beaches- it's a great way to vacation!

Now, let me give you the run down of places you must visit or try if you're there. You must buy tickets to the jungle queen while you're in Ft. Lauderdale. It will take you through the "Venice of the United States" and show you houses of the rich and famous. It will also make a stop on a small island. On the island you'll see tropical birds, plants, flowers and an alligator show. Then after the boat ride have a relaxing lunch on the water at Coconuts. 
Then for dinner check out Thai Spice if you like Thai food. It has a great ambiance and the food is amazing. It's a great delectation. Now, for a night on the town, if you like some rock or a little taste of Bob Marley and a time to just kick back with Blue Moon or a glass of wine visit the Elbow room, The Rock bar with sofas out front, The Pirate bar where the locals all hang out and Quaterdeck, a cool sports bar with swings on the beach. All these places can be found on the strip along the beach. One last note- definitely try Oasis Cafe. I wasn't able to, but I heard it has swings on the beach and you can enjoy the sunset, while having dessert and cocktail or cafe au -lait with you're sweetheart. 

If you're ever in the area make it a point to take a stroll and visit these places , you won't regret it.

Until next time I bid you adieu...

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Alas I'm back

Hello everyone! I hope everyone is doing well on this interesting cool morning. It is rather cool, like a fall day today. I woke up this morning and felt for the first time that summer is soon over. What a sad thought, especially after coming back from the sunshine state or like many of you may think the orange state. Yep, that's what I thought at first too- Florida was the orange state, but think again.

Well, for those of you planning on taking a trip to Florida take it soon. It had to be the most relaxing vacation I have taken in years. From the tropical climate, to the serene neighborhoods, beautiful beaches and scrumptious food. You'll definitely not be a saturnine tourist sitting on the beach brooding all day. 

Now, for the moment you've been waiting for... Here's you're very own zagat guide  for what to do when you're in Ft.Lauderdale, Florida. 
First, a must is to rent a car- once you get their buy snacks and head over to the Ft. Lauderdale beach. You feel like you're in the caribbean and it's so chill and not crowded at all. 

Secondly, make sure you take a ride up to Boca Raton- the beaches there are gorgeous as well and there are many parks for your viewing. Also, try to make it a point to drive down to Miami. If you're there dine at Sazon- an amazing family cuban restaurant! If you are interested in going to South beach  all the lounges and  dance clubs are. It's a very busy and crowded place where all the teeny boppers hang, but try to see it just once to ( maybe the daytime would be better). I also heard coconut grove is a very nice area to take a stroll and visit shops- it's the New York village of Miami. The Foutainbleau (a cool lounge and great place for shows) and the beach is a must to see as well!

Next, here's a list of restaurants that you can check out while you're in the area of Ft. Lauderdale. If you're interested in a salad buffet go to Sweet Tomato, for scrumptious crepes for breakfast go to La Bonne Crepe and Toojays. Let me just say that Toojays has French Toast that's out of this world. Take a walk down Las Olas Blvd. and stop by Mangoes for a bite to eat and some cool jazz. If you're in the mood for a quick dessert got to Kilwins for some great ice scream. 

There's so much more I have to fill you in about Florida, but I'll leave you hanging till next time.....

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Summer Days...

Today I woke up and knew that it was going to be a scorching hot day. How funny is it that we're always waiting for it to stop raining, but now the thought of rain never felt so good. Especially, on a day like these past two ones. Both days have been in the 90s. How many of you feel the same way I do- when is the hot streak going to end? And who would've thought that New Jersey could feel like the Arizona desert? Definitely not me! 
I hope everyone is enjoying these summer days in August. As for me, I'm finishing up Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Society. I hope those who have been reading my blog have decided to check it out. I don't want to give away to much, but you'll definitely like the quick read of it and how it builds up. So definitely make a point to check it out before Steven Spielberg gets his hooks into it and wants to make it a trilogy. 
As for me, other than reading, I've been daydreaming about my summer trip to Florida. Right now, I'm in the midst of packing for my trip to Ft. Lauderdale, FL. YEAHHHH! That's right a relaxing vacation - a short one, but nevertheless a propitious one for my mind, body and soul. When I get back I will let you in on all the hot spots and fun activities to do.  So sit tight and relax, because you're in for a great surprise and treat full of  amazing attraction hot spots for your next trip. Just think of me as your own personal Zagat guide to Florida!

Till next time..

Monday, August 17, 2009

Dreary Mondays...

Sorry, I haven't been logged in this past weekend, but so much has happened that I can't wait to share. 
Well first, let me let you in on a hidden secret. Who would have thought that New Jersey and Pennsylvania are full of wineries. I only thought California was known for their wineries?Maybe that was me being naivete. Well, on Friday my husband and I discovered this winery in Hopewell, NJ. It's called Hopewell Winery. Many of you may have already experienced their fairy tale landscape, beautiful sunset and not to mention a great wine selection. The staff are friendly, but who wouldn't be if you're working in a winery. On Wednesdays and Fridays is pizza for only $5 and live music. Bands perform jazz, oldies but goodies, and classical tunes. It's definitely a great place to come after work if you're in the area or even if you live out of town.

 It so happens this past Friday my husband and I went and as we were eating pizza and having a glass of Chambourcin, we noticed as did others the severe undulation of the clouds, that illuminated us to their incredible shapes. So make sure you make this a priority in your planner!
 Well, on Saturday, I saw John Legend in Philly and he put on an amazing show. For all of you Legend fans you will be happy to know that he delivers and incredible performance.  He covered some Beatles, Marley and Prince and the unforgettable Michael Jackson with his own style and beat. His background light show and background singers were exceptional and unique in their own way. 
 India Arie opened for him as well as his brother.  I was amazed by how much his brother sounded just like him. India was incredible as well. Her mom even graced the stage and sang. Everyone in the crowd were awed by both mother and daughter singing together. It was the first time I saw her perform and couldn't believe how alive and soothing her music was. She has a caribbean and soulful feel. I would describe her as a female version of the late Bob Marley. If you haven't listened to her music yet, then I suggest checking her out.

Well, I realize I inundated with you so much information today. Till next time....

Friday, August 14, 2009

Sunny Friday!

    Many of you might be saying, thank god it's Friday! The first thing I thought of when I looked outside was " finally the sun is out!"Today, is a beautiful day to go to the park, swim at the beach or possibly read a book. I'm still reading the Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Society. Everyday, I find myself reading at amazing celerity. I'm reading 30 to maybe 40 pages a day. Like I mentioned in  my previous posts, I find my self there, transported back in time, sort of like the book "Time Traveler's Wife."
 So, I find myself feeling close and somewhat friends with these characters;like kindred spirits. Sometimes, you may find yourself closer to strangers, characters in books than people you've known for over 10 years. Sounds strange and out of the ordinary, but sometimes it's true.

Until next time, enjoy the beautiful weather and look into this book...

Thursday, August 13, 2009

rainy day Thursday

As we look outside, we may become stumped for words on this gloomy, cold rainy day. One may ask how can I get up from bed and stay awake long enough to go through another work week. Well, I have something that might cheer you up! Tomorrow's Friday! Yeahhh for those of you who long for that day to come, just think it's only a matter of time. Just be patient and while you're in your office and may be in your cubicle, take those furtive looks at the clock. Wait  until it strikes 6, or 7 or even 8 and know that tomorrow is Friday! Not just any day, but a day to look forward to perhaps some glimmer of sunshine and hope to a sunnier Weekend.

Until next time...

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Ponder this...

How is everyone doing on this , is it going to rain or will the sun shine kind of day?

 Today , I picked up The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society, and the characters in the book a.k.a writers of these letters seemed to jump off the pages for me. Just reading about each character via their correspondence opens the door to their lives and souls. I felt that I was there, back in 1946 after the German Occupation. I felt that I'm like a spy or have an inside to all their thoughts. I never knew reading old letters could be so fun and exciting and like a joy ride, but it is. I feel as if I have been invited to their book club to read and imagine what they have been through by reading their letters. 

The author, Mary Shaffer wanted her readers to take what we read and educate others on what went on during that time. She was definitely a luminary of her time.

Till next time... enjoy reading and hope for sunshine!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

word for thought....

Hello to all interested:

Today's word for thought is cynosure. It is an object that serves as a focal point of attention and admiration.  

Your practice of the word for today could be .... As she entered the auditorium, the valedictorian felt herself the cynosure of every eye in the room. Then, she delivered her speech that would affect a generation.
HAVE FUN WITH THIS ONE!  Maybe take a picture of someone enacting this OR you could take the stage and be the actor....

On a different note, I am in the midst of reading an absolutely, can't put it down type of book. It was a book recommended by my book club. For all you avid readers, please borrow or buy The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society, by Mary Ann Shaffer and Annie Barrows.

It's a compilation of letters - a correspondence going on by London writers after the German Occupation. I don't want to give too much away, but you'll love it and won't be able to put it down. I received it in the mail yesterday and haven't been able to put it down, except to blog about it today.

Well enjoy the rest of your day and I will give you a word for thought another day!

Monday, August 10, 2009

Word for thought....

Did anyone ever feel stumped or lost for words during a conversation.? Well, fear no more.  I have the answer for you, it's a word of the day. Most people say they learn words by using them in a random sentence. I say you can start by using these words in action, current events or everyday occurrences. 

For example, today's word is peradventure which means chance, uncertainty or doubt and can be used as an adverb. 

  Here is a penny for your thoughts:  How many people in this country are unsure of our new president because we are certain beyond peradventure that he is lying about his place of birth? 

Check this out word junkies!!!